Ground Blinds
Ground blinds are makeshift or temporary structures located on the ground that conceal the hunter. They can be as simple as a natural blind built behind a tree, bush, log, or rock or as sophisticated as a portable, enclosed camouflage-cloth blind.
- Blinds usually are located close to game food sources, game trails, or watering holes.
- Ground blinds should be used instead of a tree stand when you should not be climbing, such as during inclement weather.
- Ground blinds should always be located:
- Downwind or crosswind of the spot where you expect to see your quarry because your scent will be carried at ground level and downwind of your blind
- Away from the sun
- Where the foreground and background are safest
- Blinds can be fashioned out of native vegetation or rigged from a roll of camouflage cloth or netting, which stores easily in a pack.
- Always clear away all ground cover on your blind’s floor to prevent noise from your foot movements, but remember to replace the ground cover before you leave the site.
- A small portable stool or plastic bucket makes the wait more comfortable.
- When hunting from a ground blind, it is especially important to use camouflage face “makeup” or camouflage head nets and gloves.
- Can be set up ahead of time along trails or set up quickly at advantageous spots during a hunt.
- Provide effective camouflage or may conceal the hunter totally, allowing more time to prepare for the shot.
- Provide an element of surprise that is lacking when hunting from a tree stand.
- Offer a safer alternative and a better shot angle than elevated stands.
- Can purchase commercially manufactured ground blinds, which are readily available.
- Make human scent and movement at ground level easier for game to detect.
- Offer limited visibility and shooting lanes.